3v3 Live National Soccer Tour presents

3v3 Live - Springfield (IL) Teams

June 30, 2024
Springfield, Illinois



As your fall leagues and such are coming to a close, I wanted to let you know that we will be holding our final 2 outdoor events before Nationals. Whether you are looking to sharpen your skills for Nationals, try out a new team or simply want to get out and play....you can sign up for one or both events. They are:

SAT, November 2nd in Carol Stream, IL (deadline 10/29 @ 11:59 pm)

SUN, November 17th in O'Fallon, IL (deadline 11/12 @ 11:59 pm)

Price is $225 on these and no shirts will be given out to accomodate the later registration. You can sign up at www.3v3live.com and feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Dan Glavin
3v3 Live Soccer

10/22/2024 9:35 PM


As a participant in either last year's Midwest Regional Championship or a tournament this year, I wanted to let you know about this year's Regional and also the Sunday tournament (Waukegan 2).

The Regional event is Saturday, August 3rd
The Waukegan 2 event is Sunday, August 4th

You can play in one or both. If you play in both, you get a discount on the registration which when applied to the lower price already, means you can play on Sunday for only $200 a team!

The standard deadline for the events is this Sunday (7/28) at midnight. Registration may stay open beyond that BUT could close at any time for the event or a division and go to waiting list, so don't delay!

Any questions, please let me know. Thanks.

Dan Glavin
3v3 Live Soccer

7/25/2024 11:22 AM


Attached is the waiver form that each team will need. ONLY ONE FORM IS NEEDED FOR EACH TEAM. You will bring this form with you to check in and it will serve as your final roster. It CANNOT be changed once your first game has started. Please print this out and bring it completely filled out already when coming to check in. This will help expedite the process. Thanks.

Dan Glavin
3v3 Live Soccer


6/27/2024 7:47 PM


Schedules are now posted! You can find them through the app (I would download if you haven't yet) or also on the tournament page in the black tab under schedule.
I'm happy to say that I was able to accomodate 95% of known requests!! Some were just unavoidable unfortunately. Any questions, let me know. See you all Sunday!

Dan Glavin
3v3 Live Soccer

6/27/2024 7:41 PM

Good Afternoon,

Please have ONE representative from your team reply to this email or email the following info for your team to me:

1. Team Name and Division you're playing in
2. Number of shirts and what sizes. We have youth medium and large and then go to adult sizes.

An example would be:
Gophers 2011/2012 Boys
2 youth medium, 2 adult small, 1 adult medium

We will fill the shirts in the order I receive the emails back. Teams registering before the standard deadline will be filled first, then late registrations as we may run out of sizes. If you do not email your shirts in, we may not have the sizes you wanted even if you were a standard registration.


Dan Glavin
3v3 Live Soccer

6/27/2024 6:09 PM

Good evening,

After a couple of additions, I was able to move around some teams to create different divisions that might work out even better. Some got smaller but also made the competition even better this way. Please take a look at the NEW updated list and let me know if you have an issues. Let me know NO LATER THAN NOON TOMORROW (Thursday). Thanks.

Dan Glavin
3v3 Live Soccer

6/26/2024 6:53 PM

The following teams are officially participating in the 3v3 Live - Springfield (IL).
Please note some teams may not be present yet. Click on the team to view more details.

2010/2011 Mix

2012/2013 Boys

2014/2015 Boys Adv

2015/2016 Mixed

All event related questions should be directed to Dan Glavin at dan@3v3live.com or call 708-768-3229.