3v3 Live National Soccer Tour presents

3v3 Live - Bucks County Divisions

July 13, 2024
Langhorne, Pennsylvania
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


Good evening everyone,
Please take a look at the scheduels and do the same tomorrow night. I've had a couple teams sign up and a couple have to drop out, so they've all changed some or a lot depending on the division. If you see your division and it looks like you only have 2 or 3 games, don't worry. You'll get the rest of the games in the playoffs.
Good Luck to all of you this weekend,
Kevin Henderson
3v3Live Tournament Director

7/11/2024 10:11 PM

Good evening everyone,
My name's Kevin Henderson, I'll be the Tournament Director for this weekend. I would like to thank all of you for joining us and I hope everyone has a wonderful time. Here's the addrerss for Saturday:
Herbert Hoover Elementary
501 Trenton Road
Langhorne, PA, 19047
Schedules are up on our website. Here's a link to find them:
Things to remember to bring for saturday. It will be hot so please bring Sunscreen, plenty of water and fluids, pop up tents or some sort of covering if you have it. Also, make sure to turn in your printed and completed waivers at the main tent before your 1st game, and pick up the players shirts. Please bring a 2nd color of shirt just in case another team is wearing the same color, home team always has to change. Good Luck to all of you and see you Saturday.

Kevin Henderson
3v3Live Tournament Director

7/10/2024 10:36 PM

3v3 Live - Bucks County offers the following divisions. Any documents can be viewed, printed or downloaded.

2009/2010 Boys

This division is for LESS Competitive 2009 teams and MORE Competitive 2010 teams. (2010 teams that register for this division will receive a 60 point bonus in the 3v3 Live Rankings)


7/11/2024 9:41 PM

Overall Standings

2/22/2024 12:32 PM


7/13/2024 1:21 PM

Championship Bracket

7/13/2024 1:21 PM

2011/2012 Boys

This division is for LESS Competitive 2011 teams and MORE Competitive 2012 teams. (2012 teams that register for this division will receive a 60 point bonus in the 3v3 Live Rankings)


7/11/2024 9:41 PM

Overall Standings

2/22/2024 12:32 PM


7/13/2024 2:52 PM

Championship Bracket

7/13/2024 2:53 PM

Consolation Games Bracket

7/13/2024 1:21 PM

2012/2013 Boys

This division is for LESS Competitive 2012 teams and MORE Competitive 2013 teams. (2013 teams that register for this division will receive a 60 point bonus in the 3v3 Live Rankings)


7/11/2024 9:41 PM

Overall Standings

2/22/2024 12:32 PM


7/13/2024 2:53 PM

Championship Bracket

7/13/2024 2:53 PM

2014/2015 Boys

This division is for LESS Competitive 2014 teams and MORE Competitive 2015 teams. (2005 teams that register for this division will receive a 60 point bonus in the 3v3 Live Rankings)


7/11/2024 9:41 PM

Overall Standings

2/22/2024 12:32 PM


7/13/2024 2:58 PM

Championship Bracket

7/13/2024 2:59 PM

2016/2017 Boys/Girls


7/11/2024 9:41 PM

Overall Standings

2/22/2024 12:32 PM


7/13/2024 12:41 PM

Championship Bracket

7/13/2024 12:42 PM

2011/2012 Girls

This division is for LESS Competitive 2011 teams and MORE Competitive 2012 teams. (2012 teams that register for this division will receive a 60 point bonus in the 3v3 Live Rankings)


7/12/2024 11:03 AM

Overall Standings

2/22/2024 12:32 PM


7/15/2024 8:01 PM

Championship Bracket

7/15/2024 8:03 PM

Adults/High School


7/11/2024 9:41 PM

Overall Standings

2/22/2024 12:32 PM


7/13/2024 2:52 PM

All event related questions should be directed to Kevin Henderson at kevin@3v3live.com.