3v3 Live - Branson "Last Chance" Regional Championships Venues
Regional Champions have 1 week left to register for Nationals using their free entry code!
If your team won your division at your area's Regional Championship, you should have received a "Golden Ticket" with an entry code for free entry into the 3v3 Live National Championships!
To use this code you will need to register BEFORE September 1st!!
At registration you will be asked to pay a balance of $50 to complete your entry. This is a security deposit and will be refunded to you after you check in at Nationals. (Deposit will also be refunded if your team has to withdraw from the event and you notify us BEFORE November 1st.)
For more information on the 3v3 Live National Championships, go to:
2016 Girls Championship on Field 7 at 2:00 Shooting Stars 16 vs Slay Sisters
2015 Girls Championship on Field 6 at 2:00 Lakeside Soccer vs Shooting Stars
Little Hurricanes please pick up your 3rd place medals
Update 2011' Semi Final
12:00pm - NWA Arsenal vs LB Forge United Black Field 3
12:00pm - Bobcats vs LB Forge United Teal Field 4
2010' Championship
12:00pm - La Masia vs HS Invincibles Field 5
GHS has been posted. Schedules are final. Please check in teams 30 minutes early. Team waivers are due at check in. Waivers are the official roster of the day. All players must be on the team waiver before first game to be eligble. No exceptions. See you on the fields, Kathy Larios
8/9/2024 3:10 PM
Schedule has posted. Girls High School is only division not up due to a team pulled out earlier today. I am working on resolving this bracket. I plan to have this resolved by 1pm on friday. PLease be aware a few brackets combined but a separate championship will be played in these age groups to allow the teams to win a golden ticket in their appropriate age group. If you have any questions please send me a text @ 501-270-9086. I look forward to a great day of soccer on Saturday. Kathy Larios
The following venues are being used for this event.
Branson Rec Plex
All event related questions should be directed to Kathy Larios at kathy@3v3live.com.