Soccer Youth presents

Soccer Youth All-American Golden Cup Venues

December 28-31, 2023
Naples, Florida
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.

The following venues are being used for this event.

Paradise Coast Sports Complex

Paradise Coast Sports Complex
Paradise Coast Sports Complex (PCSC)
3940 City Gate Blvd N
Naples, FL, 34117
Field 1A (1A), Field 1B (1B), Field 2A (2A), Field 2B (2B), Field 3A (3A), Field 3B (3B), Field 4A (4A), Field 4B (4B), Stadium A (Std A), Stadium B (Std B), Field 6A (6A), Field 6B (6B), Field 7A (7A), Field 7B (7B)

All event related questions should be directed to Soccer Youth at or call (833) 602-8158.