5v5 Soccer presents

2024 5v5 Soccer National Championship Venues

November 30 - December 1, 2024
Lakewood Ranch, Florida
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.



Thank you again for an unforgettable 5v5 Soccer National Championship! We just received word from Tom Whalen, the owner of Pegasus Sports Videos, that the video packages are ready for download. He will be emailing you directly with a download link for the games.

If you did not purchase the video package and your team played on fields 1-8 on Saturday or Sunday, or fields 9 and 10 on Sunday, you may still opt in by filling the link out below:

Purchase Your Video Package

Yours in soccer,

5v5 Soccer Staff

More about Pegasus Sports Videos:
Tom Whalen
Co-Owner / CEO
Pegasus Sports Video

12/9/2024 1:06 PM


Thank you so much for an amazing weekend. The company who are responsible for the video packages are hard at work this week downloading, editing, and uploading the videos for your teams to download. The film will be availbale to download after 12/9.

If you DID NOT purchase the Video Package and would still like to have access, you can still purchase using this link below. All games on Saturday on Fields 1-8 were filmed, and all games on Sunday on Fields 1-10 were filmed.

Purchase Video Package

All videos will be housed on Vimeo (https://vimeo.com/), so please go create a free account in preperation for the 12/9 delivery date. Once we have the links to the completed video's we will send them directly!

5v5 Soccer Staff

12/4/2024 10:59 AM


We found a lost credit card this weekend. If you have a parent by the name of K. Groves on your team that lost a credit card, please have them reach out to me directly.

We will send out a seperate recap email with more instructions for video packages which will be available by next Monday, 12/9.

Thank you!

Andrew Vorce

12/3/2024 5:04 PM

Coaches, players, and parents

Thank you for an incredible first day atthe 5v5 Soccer National Championship! A few notes for tomorrow:

If you purchased a 5v5 Soccer T-shirt during the player waiver process, you MUST pick it up tomorrow or wait until your next local event. We will not mail unclaimed shirts.

Help pick up bottles and trash on your field. Let's leave the facility better than we found it and clean up. After each game please help by throwing away any bottles or trash on the sidlines, ESPECIALLY on the players side. Fields 9-12 were a sea of used bottles at the end of the day. Help the facility crew and staff by being good stewards.

VIDEO PACKAGES: Due to an abundance of video package requests, we are adding video cameras to fields 9 and 10 tomorrow, Sunday. If you have not purchased your video package yet but would like your game footage for the weekend (Fields 1-8 on Saturday, fields 1-10 on Sunday) please use the link below: Video Package

Video's will be uploaded to vimeo for download by 12/9 once they are returned to the office, processed, edited, and uploaded. We will email all team contacts who purchased the video's with instructions on how to retrieve game footage.

Trophy (1st place) and plaque (2nd place) presentations will be by the DJ Booth. There are a LOT of finals, teams are asked to stage in the grass spaces in the corner by Field 9 and Field 2. We will be filming all trophy lifts as well.

Final note: All Referee decisions on the field are final. We understand there are always moments in every game, and will constantly be working through scenarios with the referee staff to ensure a better performance each tournament. Please respect the referees to ensure a safe and fun finish to the weekend.

Good luck, and we'll see you all tomorrow!

5v5 Soccer Staff

11/30/2024 6:38 PM

Coaches, parents, and players

The space behind the bleachers and buidling is CLOSED OFF due to ongoing construction. The facility has taped off the space, but please help keep players away from the corridor and spaces.

You can walk through the parkinglot to get from one side to the other, or behind the fields on the other side between the fields.

5v5 Soccer Staff

11/30/2024 1:06 PM

Calling all players!

Come to the DJ and Tournament HQ tent to our Photo Booth! Use the props to take your best photo and tag us @5v5soccer to be featured on our story!

Food Trucks are all around the campus, please help support them and the concession stand this weekend.

Simax Shirts has official tournament merch for purchase next to the concession stands.

Looking to buy a pro players jersey? Check out the Jersey vendor next to the Tournametn HQ.

If you ordered a 5v5 Soccer t-shirt in your player waiver, please check your email for your receipt (search "Jotform" in your email, or "5V5 Soccer Waiver Form"), and it will have the size you ordered at the bottom and receipt. Show that to the Tournamnet HQ staff so they can grab you your correct size.

Teams who create reels and posts and tag @5v5soccr on social media will be entered into a raffle to win a free dry-fit for you and your team!

5v5 Soccer Staff

11/30/2024 11:06 AM


When arriving you will grab line up in order on the south side of field 5 at 8:30 am. We will make multiple lines to help manage. Coaches will be in the front to lead their teams.

Parade of Team - List Order

Please tag us in your photos, videos, and reels @5v5soccer to be entered into raffles to win free 5v5 Soccer dry fits and other prizes!

5v5 Soccer Staff

11/30/2024 6:33 AM

Coaches, parents, and players,

Tomorrow is the big day! Please see the note yesterday about the Parade (subject: Happy Thanksgiving)

EVERYONE CHECK YOUR SCHEDULE ONE FINAL TIME! ONLY use the live website, do not take screen shots of your schedule as it has changed several times over the last few days.


Parade Notes:
We ask that fans, parents, and spectators fill the stands on the East side (furthest from parking lot) for Parade first before filling in the north and south side stands for best viewing.

Parade check in is 8:30 AM between full sized fields fields 5 and 6

Spectators are allowed to set up tents in between big fields 4 and 7, there is a MASSIVE green space. There are food trucks all across the facility, including a full concession stand.

NO PARENTS ALLOWED ON FIELD 6 (5v5 Fields 1-4). All specators must be OUTSIDE of the fence in the stands. ONLY PLAYERS and coaches may be inside the field space.

Please use the map below to see the 5v5 Soccer field numbers as they transpose onto the full 11v11 fields. As a reminder, we are on fields 4, 5, 6, and 7.

Field 6 (championship gated field) will have fields 1-4
Field 5 will have fields 5-8
Field 7 will have fields 9-12
Filed 4 will be open as practice fields (no goals)

5v5 Soccer Field Map

Tag us on social media @5v5soccer to enter give away prizes all weekend!

Andrew Vorce
5v5 Soccer

11/29/2024 9:07 PM

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving!

We are gearing up with final preparations for the 5v5 Soccer National Championships this weekend! We wanted to send out a quick note about the Parade of Teams which will kick off Saturday morning.

Teams must arrive by 8:30 AM to be checked in between fields 5 and 6 MAP

Teams should wear their jerseys or full kit to represent their team/club

Teams will be organized in multiple lines, youngest teams will walk first

Teams will have their photo taken by 5v5 Soccer staff before walking onto field, make sure you team know their assigned number (given at check in).

Parade is for players and coaches only, parents will watch from the stands.

Parade will start at 9am

ALL spectators are asked to assemble in the bleachers on the east side of Field 6 for viewing

Teams will parade onto and around the Championship Field (with staff guidance) to create multiple rows.

Each Team Name will be called out over the speaker system

After all teams are on the field, we will play the National Anthem

Teams will be released with coaches to meet back up with Parents after parade concludes.

Please be on the look out for an email stating your team has completed all required steps, or an email with a list of remaining items to complete.

Thank you everyone for all your efforts getting everything completed and submitted. We can't wait to see everyone, safe travels.

Andrew Vorce
5v5 Soccer

11/28/2024 12:28 PM

Dear Parents and Coaches,

We want to remind everyone of our zero tolerance policy for referee abuse at 5v5 Soccer. As we aim to create a positive and fun tournament, it is crucial that we maintain a supportive sideline environment. While competition is part of the game, let's remember to be respectful and encouraging.

Referees play a vital role in ensuring fair play, and we must treat them with respect. Please remember to:

‣Encourage positive behavior
‣Cheer and support without aggression
‣Communicate with respect
‣Focus on player development

By following these guidelines, we can create a safe and inclusive atmosphere for everyone involved. This should extend to how we treat all team supporters, coaches, staff members, players on both teams and our officials.

Thank you for making 5v5 Soccer a great experience. Let's celebrate the joy of the game and promote sportsmanship together!

Best regards,
Andrew Vorce
President 5v5 Soccer

11/27/2024 11:29 AM

Dear Coaches and Teams,

The tournament schedules are now posted for the 5v5 Soccer Nationals Soccer tournament this weekend. You can view them at this link: https://soccer.exposureevents.com/218206/2024-5v5-soccer-national-championship/schedule
Please review the schedule to ensure you are in the correct division and that there are no conflicts with your bracket(s). Schedules are subject to change, so be sure to check back on Friday evening.

Please check in your team at the tournament headquarters tent 30 minutes prior to your first game. Remember to bring any roster changes, as this will be your last opportunity to make changes. Only one representative from each team needs to attend the check-in. Please email your teams roster if you haven't already to Morgan@5v5soccer.com. We must verify all players to their player pass before their games Saturday. Any player who has not purchased the $5 player pass will be ineligible to play.

Make sure to send 1 email per team, subject put the team name exactly like they are registered with the division they are playing. Make sure to sign the bottom of the roster form.

Thank you, and if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,
5V5 Soccer National Championship 2024

11/27/2024 11:27 AM

Congratulations on your teams amazing accomplishments over the 2024 Tour.

Your team is registered and has been accepted for the 5v5 National tournament happening this November 30 - December 1st in Lakewood Ranch, Florida. My name is Natalie Jones and I am the National Tournament director. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me via email at Natalie@5v5soccer.com or you can also contact Neal@5v5soccer.com. Neal or I will respond as soon as possible.

Please review the FAQ list below and check the team list posted online for accuracy. Ensure you are in the correct division and email me with any corrections.

National Team List


The tournament will be held at Premier Sports Campus 5895 Post Blvd Lakewood Ranch, FL 34211

Every player MUST purchase a Player pass and Complete the online waiver form: https://5v5soccer.com/waiver/

Every team needs to have a printed Tournament rosters: https://5v5soccer.com/documents/

For all tournament documents, including rules, visit us at https://5v5soccer.com/documents

Best regards,

Natalie Jones
National Tournament Director

Neal Rickmers
Florida Tournament Director

5v5 2024 National Soccer Tournament

11/12/2024 9:10 PM


We are gearing up to post our team list next Monday! This is the Largest 5v5 Soccer National Championship ever! Our online check in will be broken into two parts. Please complete both steps below by the designated date. As a reminder, we'd like all teams registered to participate in our Saturday morning Parade of Teams at 9am before their first games.

Step 1: Mandatory Online Team check in

Coaches please respond to this email with the information no later than Friday 11/08/2024

Team Name:

Registered Division:

Oldest players birth year:

Parade of Teams:


Team Name: Roswell Roadrunners

Registered Division: 2014 Boys

Oldest players birth year: 2014

Parade of Teams: YES

Step 2 Online Roster Submission - Age Verification Check

Email your teams tentative roster no later than 11/15/2024

You can still make changes until 11/29/2024, however the player verification process needs to begin on the 15th to help prevent delays on Game day.

Thank you
National Tournamnet Director

11/6/2024 11:10 AM

Good morning,

Congratulations on your team’s incredible accomplishment with 5v5 soccer. Just a friendly reminder to make sure to get those hotel rooms booked.
All participating teams are required to book their hotel rooms through
the official tournament housing partner Lucid Travel, minimum is ten (10) room nights per team (example: 5 rooms for 2 nights each = 10 room nights).

click the link below or follow this path https://5v5.hotelplanner.com/Event/7122/
Hotel link

Thank you!

National Tounament Director

10/28/2024 6:50 PM

Regarding video option

Does your team intend to purchase the video package? We need every team to reply so we can make sure everyone's games can be covered. Please reply to this question by Friday 10/25: Yes or No.

We have partnered with Pegasus Sports Videos who will be filming select fields during the 5v5 Soccer National Championships. If you would like to have your games be filmed, we are offering that package for $100 total per team.

Purchasing the video package will cover all of the teams games at nationals.

Here is the link if you would like to go ahead and make that purchase to ensure your team's time slots.
Click Here

So leave that bulky VEO at home and leave it to the pros! Play them back for years to come. Never miss a moment to create lasting memories.

10/24/2024 3:21 PM

Coaches, players, and parents,

We’re super excited to see you at the 2024 5v5 Soccer National Championships on November 30-December 1st! This is the largest 5v5 Soccer National Championship to date! It’s going to be an amazing event, and we’re so pumped to have you be a part of it.

We know Hurricane Milton has caused some questions. First, please know we are keeping everyone in our thoughts who have been affected by recent events throughout the southeast. As of October 11, we received word that “the fields and complex made it through the storm and are good to go,” from our partners in the area. Therefore we are 100% on!

Below is the first of many updates you’ll be getting from us as we gear up for the big tournament. We want to make sure you have everything you need, and our goal is simple: to create the best possible experience and a whole lot of fun for all of our teams.

Action Items for Your Team:

–Follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@5v5Soccer) to stay updated.

–Like, Share, and Comment our social posts—we’ll be celebrating teams as we get closer to the event! I bet you will see a post about your team!

-Have photos or videos of your teams from the 5v5 Soccer event, or an awesome hype video? Post it and invite us as a collaborator and we will reshare!


ONE - We have partnered with Pegasus Sports Videos who will be filming select fields during the 5v5 Soccer National Championships. If you would like to have your games be filmed, we are offering that package for $100 total per team. To purchase, please use the link below:

Click Here

TWO - OPENING CEREMONY: PARADE OF TEAMS - We are excited to announce the first inaugural Parade of Teams as the opening ceremony at the 5v5 Soccer National Championships. This event will take place on the Stadium field and teams will Parade across the field with their parents in the stands celebrating their accomplishments. Teams are asked to all wear their jerseys for this event. Teams will arrive at 8:30am to grab their correct spot with the Parade of Teams starting at 9am. All first round games will start Saturday morning between 10am and 12pm.

–We’d love to see how excited your team is! Create a video of your players showing their energy and excitement for Nationals, and tag us on social media and add us as a collaborator.

This is going to be a special event for the 5v5 Soccer Family, and we’re counting down the days to share it with you!

P.S. Our friends at the Bradenton CVB are creating something special, a one-stop-shop for our attendees to stay organized and prepared. Stay tuned.

Keep an eye out for more info soon! We’ll see you on the field!

Andrew Vorce
President, 5v5 Soccer

10/14/2024 6:41 PM

The following venues are being used for this event.

Premier Sports Campus

Premier Sports Campus
Premier Sports Campus (PSC)
5895 Post Blvd
Lakewood Ranch, FL, 34211
1 (1), 2 (2), 3 (3), 4 (4), 5 (5), 6 (6), 7 (7), 8 (8), 9 (9), 10 (10), 11 (11), 12 (12), 13 (13), 14 (14), 15 (15), 16 (16)

All event related questions should be directed to Neal Rickmers at neal@5v5soccer.com or call 813-335-2736.